background-image: url( background-size: cover background-position: 50% 75% class: center, inverse, title-slide # Dammed Rivers: Genetic Signatures of Altered Flow Regimes in a River Breeding Frog (*Rana boylii*) .pull-left[ <br> ## Ryan Peek ### PhD Candidate, Ecology ### *2017/10/25 09:45am* <br>  ] --- background-image: url(images/frogcatcher_connor.png) background-size: 450px background-position: 100% 15% class: left, inverse ## Acknowledgements .pull-left[ - ### Mike Miller & Sean O'Rourke - ### Center for Watershed Sciences - ### Brad Shaffer - ### Amy Lind - ### Corey Luna, many field helpers, SYRCL, Sierra Streams Institute ] --- background-image: url(images/041912_Panorama_NYUBA.jpg) background-size: 900px class: inverse, center, top # California Rivers *N. American freshwater species projected extinction rate is 5x higher than terrestrial animals (Ricciardi and Rasmussen, 1999)* --- background-image: url(images/hydraulicMining.png) background-size: cover class: goldslide # CA Anthropogenic Legacy: Mining -- ### Permanently changed the geomorphology/ecology of CA watersheds -- ### Estimated **8x** more material excavated from Yuba/Bear/American Watersheds than during construction of entire Panama Canal --- background-image: url(images/dams_in_west.png) background-size: 500px background-position: 100% class: left # CA Dammed Rivers -- .pull-left[ - **Over 1,400 large dams (NID 2007)** - **Residential energy demands expected to increase by 24% by 2035 (US EIA 2010)** ] --- class: inverse, left, top # Foothill yellow-legged frogs (*Rana boylii*) -- .pull-left[ - ### Obligate river breeding frog, uses wide range of habitat, but has disappeared from over 50% of historical range - ### Being evaluated as candidate for state and federal listing under ESA ] -- .pull-right[  ] --- background-image: url( background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # *BUT:* Frogs Are Still Here! ### Indian Creek, NF American watershed --- background-image: url(images/nfa_bar.png) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # *And Here:* ### Mainstem River, NF American watershed --- background-image: url(images/slate_ck_aerial_v2.png) background-size: 400px class: top, left, inverse ### <p style="color:#FFD700;">*But barely holding on here: (Slate Ck: North Yuba)*</p> --- background-image: url(images/P1070476.JPG) background-size: cover class: top, inverse # Frogs As Hydrologic Indicators -- .pull-right[ - ### *R. boylii* strongly linked with local hydrology, and thus the <span style="color:#FFD700;">watershed history</span> ] -- .pull-right[ - ### Spawning timing & habitat selection is tied to receding <span style="color:#1E90FF;">flow cues</span> & increasing <span style="color:#00BFFF;">water temperatures</span> ] --- background-image: url(images/rabo_A_P1060730.jpg) background-size: 350px background-position: 90% 5% class: left, middle, inverse # Case Study -- ### Has river (flow) regulation caused genetic fragmentation in *R. boylii*? -- ### Can we quantify this genetic signature with specific hydrologic metrics of flow impairment? -- ### Use genome-wide methods (RADSeq/RAPTURE)<sup>1</sup> .footnote[ *[1] Ali et al. 2016* ] --- background-image: url(images/fig1_Study_Sites_overview_jun2017.png) background-size: 550px background-position: 97% class: left, top, inverse ## Study Area --- background-image: url(images/overview_AMER_150.png) background-size: cover background-position: 50% 75% class: left, top ### Study Area: American Watershed --- background-image: url(images/NFA_log_flow_facet_zoom.png) background-size: cover class: center, bottom ### Hydrographs: Unimpaired --- background-image: url(images/NFA_log_flow_facet_zoom.png) background-size: cover class: center, bottom .pull-right[ <img src="images/eggs_closeup.png" height="100" width="120"> ] ### Hydrographs: Unimpaired --- background-image: url(images/MFA_log_flow_facet_zoom.png) background-size: cover class: center, bottom ### Hydrographs: Impaired (Hydropeaking) --- background-image: url(images/MFA_log_flow_facet_zoom.png) background-size: cover class: center, bottom .pull-right[ <img src="images/desiccated_tads_crop.png" height="100" width="120"> ] ### Hydrographs: Impaired (Hydropeaking) --- class: inverse, center, middle # RESULTS --- ### PCA: Assessing Population Structure N. Sierra Nevada samples *mostly* show structure by watershed (n=7,548 SNPs)
--- ### PCA: Unimpaired Watershed Limited structure, greater similarity across subpops. (n=8,739 SNPs)
--- ### PCA: Impaired (hydropeaking) Watershed Strong structure, greater divergence across subpops. (n=8,854 SNPs)
--- class: inverse, middle ## F<sub>ST</sub> (Wright 1950): ### a measure of population differentiation due to genetic structure - ### Scaled 0=(panmixis) to 1=(completely different) --- background-image: url(images/fst_vs_meandist_regunreg.png) background-size: 910px background-position: 55% 15% class: left, top ## F<sub>ST</sub> vs. River Distance --- background-image: url(images/fst_vs_streamorder.png) background-size: 910px background-position: 55% 15% class: left, top ## F<sub>ST</sub> vs. Stream Order --- class: center, middle, inverse # Genomic Variation --- background-image: url(images/theta_boxplot_signif_annotated.png) background-size: 850px background-position: 65% 15% class: center, bottom <br> <br> <br> ### Loss of genetic diversity in regulated systems >> unregulated --- class: inverse ## Are metrics of flow strongest factor in genomic patterns? ### Can we integrate genomics with environmental flow management? --- background-image: url(images/relinf_brt_simple.png) background-size: 900px background-position: 55% 15% class: left, bottom ## Boosted Regression Tree Models --- class: left, top, inverse # Summary: .pull-left[ <img src="images/gray_fylf.png" height="220" width="300"> ] ### Flow alteration is having a direct impact on a hydrologically sensitive species at a genomic level -- ### The current population trajectory is highly concerning in Sierras -- ### Flow management and listing distinct population segments may afford some protection... -- ### RAPTURE/RADSeq is a powerful & effective method --- background-image: url(images/nfy_recession_bar.png) background-size: cover class: inverse # Thank you! .footnote[ ### *Slides* : ]